Monday, March 8, 2010

Polo Club Britannia Watch

Polo Club Britannia watch as my reward.
For the past 4 months, I have worked extremely hard.
Lots of difficulties occurred during working period.
I couldn't even get enough sleep.
Finally I stopped working during Chinese New Year.
I was thinking that perhaps all my hardship should prove gaining an item.
Coincidentally, just now I saw a Polo watch in Jusco.
I don't wear watch but it attracted me and has a year warranty.
That's why I decided to reward myself a watch.
At the same time it reminds me the importance of time.

Time is short.
So try to live the way we dream of.
The majority of our lives,
 "We use our health to buy wealth during younger time, but
we use our wealth to buy back our health during older time."


alevate said...

huuhu..i had the black color..never tought that it comes with the white color

Anonymous said...

may i ask.. that time u bought this watch.. how much?

Ken said...

I bought it less than Rm100 because that time has promotion =)