Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Past 21 Years (The Best Card)

The Best Card I ever handmade for a girl I did truly loved before. 
She has gone in my life. 
One piece of my heart puzzle had lost.
I wish that I could be with her for a longer period. 
"Pleasure of Love" lasts a moment but "Pain of Love" lasts a lifetime. 
I knew she would leave me and choose to stay together with her Prince Charming again. 
It's the matter of time. 
How foolish I was to think that she would always be there for me. 
All I ever wanted was to love her and hold her in my arms. 
What happened to our love's a mystery.

They say no matter how dark the night is, the sun always rises again.
I say lost love makes one realize that no matter how bright the day is, the sun will always set again.


Pinky Ow said...

Hi,my dear fren! U sure can find ur angel in the future soon. Smile ^^

kiwi said...

cannot be couple also can be best it?

Ken said...

yup,of course can be friend =) you should know more well than anyone else~